Process Communication – Getting your message across

Do you sometimes say to yourself:

  • I wish I knew how to deal with X, I find them so difficult
  • How do I get through to people when it really counts?
  • I’ll never understand X, they are so different to me

Whether you’re a CEO, a board member, manager, coach or trainer we all need to know how to relate to different people. Effective communication is about developing rapport, listening and being sufficiently flexible to be able relate to someone else’s way of perceiving the world. When we develop these skills trust improves on both sides and productivity and goodwill increases.

Process Communication provides the understanding and skills necessary to develop communication that counts. Through understanding your own preferences and ways of perceiving the world you can then get to grips with other people’s preferences and frames of reference. Needless to say these are not all the same and once we understand that, we can acknowledge that someone is perhaps not being “awkward” or “difficult”.

The Process Communication Model

The Process Communication Model was developed by Dr Taibi Kahler. In the 1970’s through his contribution to Transactional Analysis theory he was awarded the Eric Berne Memorial Award. Since then he has gone on to develop a complete package of training which includes a profiling tool based on years of research and consultation.

For 18 years NASA used PCM in the selection and placement of astronauts. PCM helped NASA to decide who would work best with whom; what are the different stress indicators for each person and how to deal with those.

PCM has a sound research based underpinning and yet the training is pragmatically based enabling delegates to apply and practice the skills required for effective dialogue. It has it’s own profiling tool enabling you to understand yourself as well as others.

PCM is a dynamic approach to personality and Effective Communication and speaks of personality types in people rather than types of people. Delegates are given the tools to followand understand everything from the structure of sentences to psychological needs – all within a positive psychological framework.

Improve your bottom line by learning PCM. If you wish to improve your relationships for a happier more productive workforce then give us a call. If you value yourself and the workforce then contact us now to buy custom essays about the training programme in PCM. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you in the near future as our client.

For those of you interested in, or already training in, Organizational Transactional Analysis – why not become the tour de force of communication in your field. By becoming skilled in both Organizational TA and PCM you will develop your understanding of people within the organizational context. Check out our essay examples on this website

Training is facilitated by Anita Mountain MSc, CTA (O/P), FITOL, Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst, AC Accredited Executive Coach, Certified PCM Trainer, Certified PCM Coach.

For further information about how we can help you or your organization develop your Process Communication knowledge and skills, and find out if PCM will meet your needs.

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